Principles of category #2 love


            1. Song of Solomon 1:7 — category #2 love involves one person in your soul whom you can never forget and never erase. Therefore category #2 love is unique and special.

            2. You must know something about the opposite sex. Song of Solomon 1:2, the analogy to wine.

            3. Category #2 love is protective. It is important to realise that once you have the right man in your soul you are protected from a lot of things. The only problem is that you must be careful of reaction. The Shulamite woman was not reactive. Protective has to do with having the right person in your soul. When the woman becomes reactive to the right man he no longer is protective. If you become reactive you are in a danger area. The protective principle is important. As long as you are not reactive you can be anywhere in the world and you are safe, and his love protects you. He is in your soul. That is the greatest protection a woman ever had. This protective principle works when present — Song of Solomon 2:4, “his love was a banner over me.” Also when absent — Song of Solomon 1:13; 4:6.

            4. Category #2 love must come from human volition. Therefore anything that destroys, for example, the woman’s free will destroys her ability to identify and to respond. A woman does not respond as a slave, she responds as a free agent, as a free soul. Therefore her response must be from freedom. Song of Solomon 2:7; 3:5.

            5. Love is tone-oriented. This has to do with the fact that there is one person in your soul and you can tell if something is wrong by his voice, and that something is wright by his voice — and vica versa. Song of Solomon 2:8.

            6. A woman’s love responds to the right man, and responds in two ways: a) When he is present — Song of Solomon 2:6; 8:3; b) When absent — 3:1.

            7. Category #2 love causes illness when unrequited — Song of Solomon 2:5; 5:8. This is a psychosomatic (soul-body) illness.

            8. Category #2 love is recognised by the two persons involved — Song of Solomon 6:3.

            9. There is a strength and a weakness in cayegory #2 love — Song of Solomon 8:6,7. The strength is the actual love itself, the weakness and the great enemy are the mental attitude sins. The one that is used and is a perfect illustration is jealousy.